No one has been hurt during construction. When we move into the new building we can admire the workmanship without thinking about how many injuries took place in that space.
The construction process has provided work for many people who might not otherwise be working this time of year.
Amid the chaos of parking at Wal-Mart, learning the new traffic flow, rain and mud and all the other inconveniences of construction, we have drawn closer together as a church family.
The community is very interested in seeing the project completed, which will help us move forward with the ministries we have planned within the community.
We will come in very close to budget with the bulk of the overage due to unsuitable soil found onsite which had not been anticipated.
And the list could go on and on. I encourage you in this season of giving to be generous with your praise and thanksgiving to God for making this blessing a reality. Many people have dreamed of this new building for many years and we are the ones who get to see it come to pass. Let's remember how truly blessed we are to be part of such a faithful church family no matter where we worship!